Utility Service Applications

If your project requires a new high-voltage electrical service, or change to an existing service, the utility company will require several documents before supplying the service to you. In most cases the documents will need to be certified by a professional engineer registered in the jurisdiction of the service. The personnel at Bench have extensive experience completing BC Hydro new service applications and service alterations.

The following are typically required:

  1. Electrical single line diagram showing the service entrance details, protection, metering location, and point of interconnection.
  2. Fuse curves or protective relay settings showing coordination of the customer’s protection with the utility’s.
  3. Site plan drawing.
  4. Equipment layout drawing.
  5. A list of connected transformers and estimated loading.
  6. In the case of customer generation, detailed information about the generating units and protective / control devices is required.


Please contact us for assistance with your new or existing electrical service requirements.